Travel & Tourism

The Curriculum

This BTEC Tech qualification in Travel and Tourism provides an engaging and stimulating introduction to the world of travel and tourism, giving an opportunity to develop the knowledge and technical skills in a practical learning environment. Students will investigate travel and tourism organisations in the UK, their ownership, aims, key products and services, and how they work with each other. Exploring the role of different consumer technologies within the travel and tourism industry, students will understand the different types of tourism and different types of visitor and investigate the features and routes to popular travel destinations.

Students will develop a variety of skills, problem solving, communication, ICT, literacy and numeracy throughout the course. By exploring the different factors that may influence global travel and tourism, students can identify the potential impacts of tourism on global destinations and learn how those destinations can manage and control the impacts to achieve more sustainable travel and tourism. Students will use research, skills, draft reports and manage their time to meet deadlines.

Click Here for Travel & Tourism Curriculum Map